
语言百科2024-12-06 02:10:58留学世界



1. watch是一个英文单词,意为“观看”、“注视”、“关注”等。


2. 在日常生活中,我们经常会用到watch这个词,比如“我喜欢在周末的时候在家里看电影(I like to watch movies at home on weekends)”。

3. 除了表示观看,watch还可以用作名词,表示“手表”,例如“我今天戴了一块新手表(I'm wearing a new watch today)”。

4. 此外,watch也可以作为动词短语,表示“照顾”、“监视”,例如“他负责看守孩子们(He watches over the children)”。

5. 在英语中,还有一些常用的短语搭配含有watch这个单词,比如“keep an eye on”,意为“密切关注”,“watch out”,意为“小心注意”,“watch TV”,意为“看电视”等。

6. 总的来说,watch是一个非常常见的英语单词,在不同的场景下都有不同的含义和用法。希望通过本次介绍能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个单词


1. 简介


2. 发音


3. 动词用法


3.1 watch做“看”的意思时,读音为/wɒtʃ/。

例句:I like to watch TV in the evening.(我喜欢晚上看电视。)

3.2 watch做“观察”的意思时,读音为/wɒtʃ/。

例句:The scientist is watching the experiment carefully.(科学家正在认真观察实验。)

3.3 watch做“注视”的意思时,读音为/wɒtʃ/。

例句:He watched her every move with suspicion.(他怀着怀疑的眼光盯着她的每一个动作。)

4. 名词用法


4.1 watch做“手表”、“手表式计时器”的意思时,读音为/wɒtʃ/。

例句:I bought a new watch yesterday.(我昨天买了一块新手表。)

4.2 watch做“值班”的意思时,读音为/wɒtʃ/。

例句:The guard is on watch all night.(守卫整夜值班。)

5. 形容词用法


5.1 watch做“警惕的”、“小心的”的意思时,读音为/wɒtʃ/。

例句:Be careful, the dog looks very watchful.(小心点,那只狗看起来很警惕。)

5.2 watch做“时尚的”、“潮流的”的意思时,读音为/wɒtʃ/。

例句:She always wears the latest fashion watches.(她总是戴着最新款式的手表。)



1. watch作为名词,表示手表,可以用来指代各种类型的手表,如腕表、怀表、挂表等。

例句:I always wear my watch when I go out. (我出门时总是戴着手表。)

2. watch作为动词,有多种含义,下面是几个常见的用法:

a) 观看/看:指观察或注视某物或某人。

例句:I like to watch movies on weekends. (我喜欢在周末看电影。)

b) 注意/留心:指留意某事物或情况。

例句:Please watch your step when you walk on the stairs. (走楼梯时请注意脚下。)

c) 照顾/照管:指负责照料或保护某人或某物。

例句:Can you watch my dog while I'm away? (我离开时你能照顾我的狗吗?)

d) 监视/监控:指密切关注并记录某事物的发展情况。

例句:The police are watching the suspect's every move. (警方正在密切监视嫌疑人的一举一动。)

3. 双语例句:

a) I always wear my watch when I go out.


b) Please watch your step when you walk on the stairs.


c) Can you watch my dog while I'm away?


d) The police are watching the suspect's every move.



1. Watch out: 小心,注意

例如:Watch out for the slippery floor.

2. Watch over: 照顾,监视

例如:Can you watch over my cat while I'm away?

3. Watch for: 注意,留心

例如:Please watch for any signs of danger.

4. Watchful eye: 警惕的眼睛,密切关注

例如:He kept a watchful eye on his children at the park.

5. Watch and see: 等着瞧,拭目以待

例如:I'm not sure if it will rain, but we'll just have to watch and see.

6. Watch your step: 小心脚下

例如:Watch your step on these stairs, they're quite steep.

7. Keep watch: 保持警惕,守望

例如:The soldiers were ordered to keep watch all night.

8. Watchful waiting: 密切观察,等待时机

例如:The doctor advised watchful waiting before deciding on surgery.

9. On the watch for: 密切关注,留意

例如:The police are on the watch for any suspicious activity in the area.

10. Timepiece/watch: 手表,钟表

例如:My grandfather's old timepiece is still running perfectly.

11. Wristwatch: 手表(戴在手腕上)

例如:She always wears a wristwatch so she can keep track of time during meetings.

12. Pocket watch: 口袋表(古老的手表)

例如:He inherited his grandfather's pocket watch, which still works like new.

13. Stopwatch: 秒表,计时器

例如:The coach used a stopwatch to time the runners during practice.

14. Watchtower: 瞭望塔,哨塔

例如:The soldiers were stationed in the watchtower, keeping an eye out for any approaching enemies.

15. Watchful: 警惕的,留心的

例如:The dog kept a watchful eye on the stranger, barking at any sudden movements.

16. Watchdog: 守护者,监督者

例如:The media serves as a watchdog for government corruption.

17. Night watchman: 夜班看守人员

例如:The night watchman made his rounds every hour to ensure the building was secure.

18. Watchful waiting: 密切观察,等待时机

例如:The doctor advised watchful waiting before deciding on surgery.

19. Watchmaker: 钟表匠,制表师

例如:He learned how to repair watches from his grandfather, who was a skilled watchmaker.

20. Wristwatch strap/band: 手表带(用于系在手腕上)

例如:She replaced the old wristwatch strap with a new leather band


1. Monitor - 监视器

2. Observe - 观察

3. Keep an eye on - 留意

4. Look at - 看看

5. Pay attention to - 注意

6. Keep watch over - 守望

7. Survey - 调查

8. Track - 追踪

9. View - 视图

10. Check out - 检查

