
语言百科2024-12-06 21:25:03留学世界



1. 介绍whale的基本信息



2. 鲸的分类


3. 鲸的外貌特征


4. 鲸的生活*性


5. 鲸的重要性


6. 鲸在文化中的意义


7. 鲸在现代社会面临的挑战




1. 先来个小测试,你知道whale的英文怎么写吗?如果你是一个小白,没有关系,接下来的内容会帮助你解决这个问题。

2. 首先,让我们一起来学*一下“whale”的正确读音。它的发音是/wheɪl/,读起来就像是“威尔”。

3. 有趣的是,“whale”这个单词在英语中还有另外一个意思,就是“大量”的意思。所以,如果你听到有人说“The company made a whale of money.”(公司赚了一大笔钱),别惊讶啊,这并不是在说鲸鱼赚钱了。

4. 那么,“whale”这个单词究竟从哪里来呢?其实它源自古英语中的“hwæl”,意为“鲸鱼”。不过,在中世纪时期,“h”被误读为“w”,所以就变成了现在的拼写方式。

5. 现在回到正题,“whale”的复数形式是“whales”,而且它还可以作为动词使用。比如,“The boat whaled through the rough sea.”(船在汹涌的海面上猛冲前进)。

6. 除了作为动物名称外,“whale”还可以用来形容某件事物非常大或强大。比如,“The whale of a storm caused a lot of damage.”(那场巨大的风暴造成了很多损失)。

7. 最后,让我们来看一下“whale”在英语中的常用搭配词。你可能会经常听到“killer whale”(虎鲸)、“humpback whale”(座头鲸)和“blue whale”(蓝鲸)等等。

8. 好啦,现在你已经掌握了“whale”的正确读音、意思以及常用搭配词,快去和朋友们炫耀一下吧!


1. whale作为名词,指的是鲸鱼,读音为/wel/,其中/e/发音类似于汉语拼音中的“e”。

例句:The whale is the largest mammal in the world.(鲸鱼是世界上最大的哺乳动物。)

2. 除了指代鲸鱼之外,whale还可以用作动词,意为“捕捞、猛冲”。此时读音为/weɪl/,其中/eɪ/发音类似于汉语拼音中的“ei”。

例句:The fishermen are whaling in the ocean.(渔民们正在海洋中捕捞。)

3. 另外,whale也可以用作形容词,表示“巨大的、庞大的”,读音同动词形式。

例句:The team made a whale effort to complete the project on time.(团队付出了巨大的努力,在规定时间内完成了项目。)

4. 在英语俚语中,whale还有一个常见的用法是指“做某事很快、很强势”,读音同动词形式。

例句:He whaled through his homework and finished it in record time.(他迅速完成了作业,在极短的时间内就做完了。)

5. 此外,whale也可以用来表示“花费大量时间或金钱”,读音同名词形式。

例句:I've been whaling away at this project for weeks and it's still not finished.(我已经花了几周的时间在这个项目上,但还没有完成。)

6. 最后,whale还可以用作一个形容词短语“to have a whale of a time”,意为“玩得很开心、过得很愉快”,读音同名词形式。

例句:We had a whale of a time at the theme park yesterday.(昨天我们在主题公园玩得很开心。)


1. Whale watching - 观鲸

2. Killer whale - 虎鲸

3. Humpback whale - 座头鲸

4. Blue whale - 蓝鲸

5. Sperm whale - 抹香鲸

6. Beluga whale - 白鲸

7. Gray whale - 灰鲸

8. Bowhead whale - 北极白鲸

9. Fin whale - 长须鲸

10. Minke whale - 小须鲸

11. Pilot whale - 领航鲸

12. Right whale - 右鲸

13. Sei whale - 真喙须鲸

14. Narwhal - 独角鲸

15. Porpoise- 鼠海豚

16. Dolphin- 海豚

17. Baleen whales- 须鲸类动物

18. Toothed whales- 齿鲸类动物

19. Suction feeding- 吮吸式摄食

20.Whale fall- 鯨落地带


1. Cetacean - This is the scientific term for whales and other marine mammals like dolphins and porpoises. It comes from the Greek word "ketos," which means "sea monster."

2. Leviathan - This is an old-fashioned term for a large sea creature, often used to refer to whales in literature and mythology.

3. Mammal of the sea - This phrase emphasizes the fact that whales are mammals, just like humans, and not fish.

4. Ocean giant - Whales are some of the largest creatures on Earth, so this term highlights their impressive size.

5. Sea mammal - Similar to "mammal of the sea," this phrase emphasizes that whales are part of the mammalian class.

6. Marine behemoth - Another word for a large sea creature, often used to describe whales or other massive ocean animals.

7. Aquatic mammal - This phrase highlights the fact that whales live in water but are still mammals.

8. Marine mammal - Similar to "aquatic mammal," this term emphasizes that whales are part of the marine ecosystem.

9. Oceanic leviathan - Combining "oceanic" and "leviathan," this phrase creates a powerful image of a massive sea creature like a whale.

10. Sea beast - Often used in literature or mythology to describe large, powerful creatures living in the ocean.

11. Cetacean species - This refers to all species within the cetacean family, including whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

12. Giant marine animal - Another way to describe a large sea creature like a whale.

13. Aquatic giant - Similar to "giant marine animal," this phrase emphasizes that the creature lives in water.

14. Marine colossus - Colossus is another word for giant or massive, making this phrase an impressive way to describe a whale.

15. Oceanic mammal - Combining "oceanic" and "mammal," this phrase highlights the unique nature of whales as marine mammals.

16. Sea monster - Often used in literature or mythology to describe large, mysterious creatures living in the ocean.

17. Marine titan - Titan is another word for a powerful or influential figure, making this phrase a strong way to describe a whale.

18. Aquatic leviathan - Similar to "oceanic leviathan," this phrase creates a vivid image of a massive sea creature.

19. Ocean dweller - Whales spend their entire lives in the ocean, making this phrase an accurate description of their habitat.

20. Sea mammal species - This refers specifically to the different species of marine mammals, including whales.

In conclusion, there are many ways to refer to whales using different synonyms and phrases. Each one highlights a different aspect of these magnificent creatures, from their size and power to their unique status as marine mammals. By understanding these synonyms, we can gain a deeper appreciation for these amazing animals and their place in the world's oceans

