
语言百科2024-01-11 22:23:38留学世界



1. 什么是argue?



2. argue的意义


3. argue的同义词


4. argue与其他相关单词


5. argue的使用场景

Argue这个单词在日常生活中经常被用到。比如,当我们和朋友或家人意见不一致时,我们可能会说“Let's not argue about it”(我们别争论这个问题了)。又或者,当我们想要表达自己的观点时,可以说“I would argue that...”(我认为...)。

6. argue的注意事项




说起来,“argue”这个单词还挺有意思的。它最常见的意思是“争论、争吵”,比如“The couple argued about money.”(这对夫妻因为钱而争吵)。但是它也可以表示“理由、证据”,比如“He has a strong argue for his innocence.”(他有强有力的理由证明自己无罪)。

除了以上两个意思外,“argue”还可以表示“主张、辩护”,比如“You can argue for hours, but I still won't change my mind.”(你可以争辩几个小时,但我还是不会改变主意)。另外,“argue”也可以作为动词使用,表示“争论、辩论”,比如“They are arguing over who should pay the bill.”(他们在为谁该付账而争论)。

看到这里,你应该已经对“argue”的发音和用法有了一定的了解。不过要注意,虽然它听起来像是一个很平常的单词,但在某些情况下,它也可能有一些不同的意思。比如,“argue”还可以表示“说服、劝说”,比如“I tried to argue with her, but she wouldn't listen.”(我试图说服她,但她不听)。另外,“argue”也可以表示“争取、争夺”,比如“We are arguing for our rights.”(我们正在为我们的权利而奋斗)


1. argue作为名词,表示“争论,辩论”的意思。它可以指一场争论的过程,也可以指争论的内容。

2. 在英语中,argue常与介词about或over连用,表示就某个问题进行争论。

3. 例如:They had a heated argument about politics. (他们就政治问题进行了激烈的争论。)

4. argue也可以作为动词使用,表示“争辩,辩论”的意思。

5. 例如:They argued for hours without reaching a conclusion. (他们辩论了几个小时也没有得出结论。)

6. 另外,argue还可以表示“主张,认为”的意思。

7. 例如:She argued that the decision was unfair. (她认为这个决定是不公平的。)

8. 在双语例句中,argue可以翻译为:

- We had a big argue about where to go on vacation.


- The two sides are still arguing over the terms of the contract.


- I can't believe you're still arguing for that idea.



1. Argue against - 反对

2. Argue for - 支持

3. Argue over - 争论

4. Argue about - 讨论

5. Argue with - 与...争吵/辩论

6. Argue the point - 辩论/争辩观点

7. Argue a case - 辩护案件/论证案件

8. Argue a position - 辩护立场/论证立场

9. Argue a point of view - 辩护观点/论证观点

10. Argue in favor of - 支持/辩护...的利益

11. Argue against the grain - 违背常规观点/反对主流意见

12. Argue from authority - 以权威为依据来辩论/从权威角度来讨论

13. Argue from analogy - 以类比推理来辩论/从类比角度来讨论

14. Argue by analogy - 类比推理法/类比推理方式

15.Argue by deduction- 通过演绎法来辩论

16.Argue by induction-通过归纳法来辩论

17.Argue by example-以例子为依据来辩论

18.Argue by precedent-以先例为依据来辩论

19.Argue by counterexample-通过反例来反驳

20.Argue by contradiction-通过矛盾法来反驳

21.Arguable point-有争议的问题

22.Arguable issue-有争议的问题

23.Arguable claim-有争议的主张

24.Arguably the best-可以说是最好的

25.Arguably the worst-可以说是最差的

26.Arguably the most important-可以说是最重要的

27.Arguably the least important-可以说是最不重要的

28.Arguably the most controversial-可以说是最具争议性的

29.Arguably the most significant-可以说是最重大的

30. Arguably the least significant - 可以说是最不重大的


1. Debate: This word is often used in a formal setting to describe a discussion or argument about a specific topic.

2. Dispute: This word implies a disagreement or conflict between two or more parties.

3. Contention: This word refers to a heated disagreement or dispute.

4. Quarrel: This word suggests an angry or hostile argument between individuals.

5. Clash: This word describes a disagreement that results in a confrontation or physical altercation.

6. Conflict: This word refers to a serious disagreement or struggle between two opposing forces.

7. Wrangle: This word implies a prolonged and often petty argument.

8. Bicker: This word describes a petty and continuous argument, often between close friends or family members.

9. Squabble: Similar to bickering, this word suggests a minor and ongoing disagreement.

10. Spat: This informal term refers to a brief and usually trivial argument between individuals

