
语言百科2024-03-09 04:22:34留学世界





1. exclude的基本含义


2. 与include相反


3. 在计算机领域中的应用


4. 举例说明



1. exclude的发音


2. exclude的词性和词义


3. exclude的同义词和近义词

同义词:eliminate, omit, leave out, reject, bar, prohibit

近义词:banish, expel, shut out, isolate

4. exclude的构成和派生形式


派生形式:exclusion (n.) 排除,排斥;被排除的人或事物;excludable (adj.) 可排除的

5. exclude的用法和例句

(1) 作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语,表示“排除;不包括”:

- You are excluded from the party because you behaved badly last time.


- This offer excludes delivery charges.


(2) 作及物动词,后接介词from,表示“把...从...中排除出去”:

- The students were excluded from the school trip due to their poor academic performance.


- The new policy excludes employees from participating in the company's stock option plan.


(3) 作及物动词,后接动名词形式,表示“排除;阻止”:

- We can't exclude the possibility of a terrorist attack.


- Don't exclude the option of going back to school and furthering your education.


(4) 作不及物动词,表示“被排除;被拒绝”:

- The new regulations exclude certain individuals from receiving government benefits.


- No one should be excluded from participating in this event because of their race or gender.


6. exclude的常见搭配

- exclude someone/something from something 排除某人/某事物出于某事

- exclude someone/something from consideration 不考虑某人/某事物

- exclude someone/something as something 把某人/某事物排除在...之外

7. exclude的常见错误用法

- 错误:The teacher excluded me to join the study group.

正确:The teacher excluded me from joining the study group.

8. 其他关于exclude的用法

- exclude的反义词为include,意为“包括;包含”。

- exclude的名词形式为exclusion,意为“排除;排斥;被排除的人或事物”


1. 什么是exclude?


2. exclude的用法

- 可以直接加名词作宾语,表示将某人或某物排除在外。

例句:She was excluded from the team because of her behavior.


- 也可以加介词from,表示从某个群体中排除。

例句:I was excluded from the party because I didn't RSVP.


- 可以加介词out of,表示从某个范围中排除。

例句:The new policy excludes anyone over the age of 60 from receiving benefits.


3. exclude的双语例句

- The exclusion of certain groups from voting rights has been a hot topic in recent elections.


- The new dress code excludes ripped jeans and tank tops.


- The study excluded participants with a history of heart disease.


- The company's policy excludes any liability for lost or stolen items.


- The new law aims to exclude discrimination based on gender or race.



1. exclude from:从...中排除,不包括

例句:The new policy will exclude foreign companies from participating in the bidding process.(新政策将排除外国公司参与投标过程。)

2. exclude out of:把...排除在外,不考虑

例句:The team decided to exclude him out of the project due to his lack of experience.(团队决定把他排除在项目之外,因为他缺乏经验。)

3. exclude someone/something from something:把某人/某物从某事中排除出去

例句:Children under the age of 12 are excluded from this event for safety reasons.(由于安全原因,12岁以下的儿童被排除在这次活动之外。)

4. exclude someone/something (from something):剔除某人/某物(使其不被考虑)

例句:His poor performance in the interview excluded him from being considered for the job.(他在面试中表现不佳,导致没有被考虑这份工作。)

5. exclude oneself (from something):自我排斥,自我隔离

例句:She often excludes herself from social activities due to her shyness.(由于害羞,她经常自我隔离,不参加社交活动。)

6. be excluded from :被排斥在外,被剔除出去

例句:He was excluded from the group because he didn't follow the rules.(他因为不遵守规则,被排斥出了这个团体。)

7. exclude someone/something (from something):把某人/某物排除在外

例句:The committee decided to exclude any controversial topics from the conference.(委员会决定把任何有争议的话题从会议中排除出去。)

8. exclude oneself from the equation:排除自己的影响

例句:She decided to exclude herself from the equation and let her team make the final decision.(她决定排除自己的影响,让团队做出最终决定。)

9. exclude all possibilities:排除所有可能性

例句:The investigation team has excluded all possibilities and concluded that it was an accident.(调查组已经排除了所有可能性,并得出结论是一起意外事件。)

10. include and exclude:包括和排除

例句:The survey includes and excludes certain demographics to get a more accurate result.(这项调查包括和排除特定人群,以得到更准确的结果。)


1. Omit - This word can be used as a synonym for exclude and means to leave out or not include something. For example, "The list of participants will omit those who do not meet the criteria."

2. Eliminate - This word can also be used as a synonym for exclude and means to remove or get rid of something. For example, "The new policy aims to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest."

3. Bar - This word can mean to prevent someone from entering or participating in something, similar to how exclude means to keep someone out. For example, "The club barres anyone under the age of 21 from entering."

4. Ban - This word can also mean to prohibit or forbid someone from doing something, similar to how exclude means to keep someone from participating. For example, "The school has banned cell phone use during class time."

5. Disqualify - This word can be used as a synonym for exclude and means to make someone ineligible for something. For example, "His previous record of cheating disqualified him from competing in the tournament."

6. Reject - This word can mean to refuse or deny someone access or participation in something, similar to how exclude means to keep someone out. For example, "The company rejected her application due to lack of experience."

7. Debar - This word can also mean to prevent or disqualify someone from participating in something, similar to how exclude means to keep someone out. For example, "He was debarred from running for office due to his criminal record."

8. Prohibit - This word can mean to forbid or ban something, similar to how exclude means not allowing participation in something. For example, "Smoking is prohibited on school grounds."

9. Rule out - This phrase can be used as a synonym for exclude and means to eliminate or reject the possibility of something happening or being true. For example, "The detective ruled out the suspect as a potential culprit."

10. Dismiss - This word can mean to reject or exclude someone or something, similar to how exclude means to keep someone out. For example, "The judge dismissed the case due to lack of evidence."

