
语言百科2024-08-06 17:24:42留学世界





1. 负面的


2. 拒绝


3. 阴性


4. 悲观的


5. 否定的


1. 负面的,消极的,不利的。这个单词的读音是[ˈnɛɡətɪv],注意最后一个音节要轻声发音,即不要重读。

2. 在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到一些负面的事情,比如考试没考好、工作压力大、恋爱受挫等等。这些都可以用negative来形容。

3. 但是,也有一些人会把negative用在更广泛的场景中,比如说“他总是把事情看得太negative了”,这里就表示这个人总是往消极的方向想。

4. 除了形容事情外,negative也可以用来形容人。比如说,“她是个非常negative的人”,就表示这个人性格消极,总是看不到事物的积极面。

5. 不过,在某些特定领域中,negative也有着正面的意义。比如在摄影术语中,“负片”就被称为“negative”,因为它能反映出原始图像中未曝光区域的细节。

6. 总之,无论在什么场景下使用,我们都应该尽量避免过度使用negative这个词语。因为过度强调消极和不利会让我们忽略掉事物的积极面,从而影响我们的情绪和思维方式


1. 概念解释


2. 用法示例

- The negative effects of pollution on the environment are becoming increasingly severe.


- Don't be so negative all the time, try to see the bright side of things.


- The film was developed, but unfortunately, the negatives were damaged.


- The TV screen showed a negative image of the person's face.


3. 双语例句

- His negative attitude towards life made him miss out on many opportunities. (他对生活消极的态度让他错过了很多机会。)

- The negative effects of smoking on one's health are well-known. (吸烟对健康造成的不良影响是众所周知的。)

- The photo was developed, but the negatives were too blurry to print. (照片已经冲洗出来了,但底片太模糊无法打印。)

- The film director decided to use a negative filter to create a darker atmosphere in the movie. (电影导演决定使用一个负面滤镜来营造电影中的黑暗氛围。)

4. 注意事项


- 它通常用于描述某种情况或态度的不利因素,而不是直接表达个人情绪或评价。

- 在科学或技术领域,negative也可以指代反向的、相反的意思。

- 在摄影术语中,negative和positive是相对的概念,分别指底片和照片


1. Negative attitude: 消极的态度

2. Negative impact: 负面影响

3. Negative feedback: 负面反馈

4. Negative emotions: 负面情绪

5. Negative thinking: 消极思维

6. Negative consequences: 负面后果

7. Negative perception: 消极看法

8. Negative behavior: 不良行为

9. Negative self-talk: 自我贬低的话语

10. Negative mindset: 消极心态

11. Negative energy: 负能量

12. Negative outlook: 悲观态度

13. Negative pattern: 消极模式

14. Negative influence: 负面影响力

15. Negative beliefs: 消极信念

16. Negative cycle: 负面循环

17. Negative consequences of actions:行为的负面后果

18.Negative impact on mental health:对心理健康的负面影响

19.Negative self-image:消极的自我形象

20.Negative coping mechanisms:消极应对机制

21.Negative self-perception:消极的自我认知

22.Negative self-esteem:低自尊心

23.Negative body language:消极的肢体语言

24.Negative peer pressure:消极的同辈压力

25.Negative consequences of procrastination:拖延带来的负面后果


1. Adverse - This word is often used to describe something that has a negative effect or impact on someone or something.

2. Detrimental - When something is detrimental, it causes harm or damage.

3. Unfavorable - This word can be used to describe a situation or outcome that is not beneficial or desirable.

4. Pessimistic - A pessimistic person tends to have a negative outlook on life and expects the worst in any situation.

5. Disadvantageous - When something is disadvantageous, it puts someone at a disadvantage or has a negative effect on them.

6. Harmful - Something that is harmful has the potential to cause damage or injury.

7. Unfortunate - This word can be used to describe an event or circumstance that is unlucky or regrettable.

8. Destructive - When something is destructive, it causes harm, damage, or destruction.

9. Adversarial - This word describes a relationship or situation where there is opposition and conflict between two parties.

10. Undesirable - Something that is undesirable is not wanted or considered unpleasant

