
语言百科2024-10-14 22:56:20留学世界




1. Poor guy的英文翻译是什么?


2. Is there a fancy way to say "poorguy" in English?


3. What are some possible translations for "poorguy" in English?

首先,我们可以说“unlucky fellow”,意为“不幸的家伙”。这个词汇比较正式,但也可以带有一丝幽默感。另外还有“broke guy”,意为“没钱的人”,也比较贴近原意。当然还有一些更俏皮的说法,比如“struggling dude”(挣扎的小伙子)或者“down-and-out bloke”(落魄的家伙)。

4. Can we use "poorguy" as a slang term in English?

当然可以!事实上,很多人都会用这个词来开玩笑或者调侃自己或朋友。在英文中,我们也可以把它写成“poor guy”,来强调这个词的俏皮和幽默感。但是要注意,在正式场合还是要使用更正式的表达方式。

5. In conclusion, what is the English translation for "poorguy"?









1. 指翻译行业中的“穷人”:poorguy在英文中是指“穷小子”的意思,而在翻译行业中,它常被用来形容那些收入较低的翻译工作者。这些poorguy们可能是刚刚入行的新手,也可能是经验不足的兼职翻译人员,由于缺乏经验和知名度,他们往往只能接到一些低价甚至是免费的翻译项目。

2. 描述翻译质量低劣:除了指代收入低下的翻译工作者,poorguy也可以用来形容翻译质量低劣的作品。在翻译行业中,有时候会出现一些poorguy所做的糟糕翻译作品,这些作品常常被戏称为“poorguy英文”,意指语法错误、用词不当、甚至是完全无法理解的内容。

3. 常被用于自嘲:虽然poorguy在英文中有着贬义含义,但在翻译行业中却常常被用于自嘲和调侃。许多经验丰富、收入稳定的资深翻译工作者也会戏称自己为poorguy,来表达他们对翻译行业的理解和幽默感。

4. 表达对翻译行业的无奈:在翻译行业中,有时候会遇到一些难以应付的客户或者项目,这时候poorguy也可以用来表达翻译工作者的无奈和苦涩。比如,“我已经被这个poorguy项目折磨了好几天,还是无法满足客户的要求。”

5. 代指低端、简单的翻译工作:除了形容收入低下的工作,poorguy也可以用来指代那些低端、简单的翻译任务。在一些大型项目中,通常会有一些相对简单的内容需要翻译,这时候就会有人说“让那些poorguy去做吧”


1. Impoverished - "The poorguy had to rely on donations from others to survive."

2. Needy - "The poorguy struggled to make ends meet and couldn't afford basic necessities."

3. Destitute - "The poorguy was left destitute after losing his job and home."

4. Penniless - "The poorguy had no money left and was forced to beg on the streets."

5. Underprivileged - "The poorguy grew up in an underprivileged household and faced many challenges."

6. Deprived - "The poorguy lacked access to proper education and opportunities due to his impoverished background."

7. Struggling - "The poorguy worked multiple jobs but still struggled to provide for his family."

8. Impoverishment - "Years of economic downturn led to the impoverishment of many families, including the poorguy's."

9. Hardship - "The poorguy faced numerous hardships in his life, but he never gave up hope."

10. Poverty-stricken - "The poorguy lived in a poverty-stricken area with limited resources and opportunities."


1. Despite being impoverished, the poorguy always maintained a positive attitude.

2. The charity organization aims to provide aid for needy individuals like the poorguy.

3. The government needs to take action to support the destitute population, including the poorguy.

4. The local community came together to help the penniless families during the holiday season.

5. The organization works towards improving living conditions for underprivileged communities, including the one where the poorguy lives.

6. Growing up deprived of basic necessities, the poorguy learned to appreciate even the smallest things in life.

7. The struggling economy has led many families, like the poorguy's, into financial instability.

8. The impoverishment of the poorguy's family forced him to drop out of school and start working at a young age.

9. Despite facing numerous hardships, the poorguy never lost his determination to succeed.

10. The poverty-stricken areas are in dire need of assistance, and the poorguy is just one of many who could benefit from it


1. Broke dude

2. Poor fellow

3. Struggling man

4. Unfortunate soul

5. Financially challenged individual

6. Cash-strapped person

7. Impoverished bloke

8. Destitute guy

9. Hard-up chap

10. Penniless dude

