
语言百科2024-10-15 19:37:21留学世界





1. 个人自豪感

作为名词,pride通常用来形容个人对自己所取得成就或者拥有的东西感到满意和骄傲。比如,“I take great pride in my work.”(我对我的工作感到非常自豪。)或者“Her pride in her children was evident.”(她对她的孩子们感到非常自豪,这一点显而易见。)

2. 团体或国家的自豪感

除了个人之外,pride也可以指团体或国家的自豪感。比如,“National pride is important for a country's development.”(民族自豪感对于一个国家的发展至关重要。)或者“The team's victory brought a sense of pride to the entire community.”(这支球队的胜利给整个社区带来了一种自豪感。)

3. 自尊心

除了指正面的自豪感之外,pride也可以表示负面的含义,即“骄傲”、“傲慢”。比如,“His pride wouldn't allow him to ask for help.”(他的自尊心不允许他寻求帮助。)

4. 以……为荣

作为动词,pride可以表示“以……为荣”。比如,“She prides herself on her cooking skills.”(她以她的烹饪技巧为荣。)或者“He prides himself on his honesty.”(他以他的诚实为荣。)


1. 什么是pride?


2. pride的发音


3. pride的同义词


4. pride的反义词


5. pride在句子中的用法

(1) 名词:I take great pride in my work. (我对我的工作感到非常骄傲。)

(2) 动词:She prides herself on her cooking skills. (她以她的烹饪技巧为傲。)

(3) 形容词:He is a very proud person. (他是一个非常自豪的人。)

6. pride的相关词汇


(1) prideful:形容词,表示“骄傲的”、“自负的”,常用于贬义。

(2) pridefully:副词,表示“骄傲地”、“自豪地”。

(3) pridefulness:名词,表示“骄傲”、“自负”。

7. 常见表达

(1) take pride in:以…为荣,引以为傲。

(2) swallow one's pride:忍辱偷生。

(3) burst with pride:充满自豪感。

(4) have a sense of pride:有一种自豪感


1. Pride是指自豪、自尊、自信的感觉,也可以表示为骄傲。

2. 在英语中,pride通常用作名词,表示一种情感或者态度。

3. 例如,“I feel a sense of pride when I look at my achievements”(当我看着我的成就时,我会感到一种自豪的情绪)。

4. Pride也可以用作动词,表示为某事物感到自豪或者骄傲。

5. 例如,“She prides herself on her cooking skills”(她以她的烹饪技巧为豪)。

6. 双语例句:

- She took great pride in her children's accomplishments.(她为孩子们的成就感到非常自豪。)

- He was filled with pride when he received the award for best employee of the year.(当他获得年度最佳员工奖时,他充满了自豪。)

- The team's victory was a source of great pride for the entire school.(团队的胜利让整个学校都感到非常自豪。)

- She couldn't hide her pride as she watched her daughter give a speech at the graduation ceremony.(当她看着女儿在毕业典礼上演讲时,她无法掩饰自己的骄傲。)

- He prides himself on being able to speak four different languages fluently.(他以能够流利地说四种不同的语言为豪。)


1. Take pride in: 为...感到自豪,以...为傲

例如:I take great pride in my work.(我为我的工作感到非常自豪。)

2. Swell with pride: 骄傲得心胸开阔

例如:She swelled with pride as she received the award.(当她接受奖项时,她感到骄傲得心胸开阔。)

3. Pride oneself on: 以...自豪,引以为荣

例如:He prides himself on his ability to speak multiple languages.(他以自己能说多种语言而自豪。)

4. Pride and joy: 非常珍爱的事物或人

例如:Her children are her pride and joy.(她的孩子是她最珍爱的事物。)

5. Pride of place: 最重要或最显著的位置

例如:The trophy has been given the pride of place in the trophy cabinet.(那个奖杯被放在了奖杯柜中最显著的位置。)

6. Burst with pride: 充满自豪感

例如:His parents burst with pride as he graduated from university with honors.(当他以优异成绩毕业时,他的父母充满了自豪感。)

7. In all one's glory/pride: 处于最好状态,光彩照人

例如:The actress appeared on stage in all her glory, receiving a standing ovation from the audience.(那位女演员在舞台上光彩照人,观众为她起立鼓掌。)

8. Pride oneself in: 对...感到自豪,以...为荣

例如:She prides herself in her ability to cook delicious meals.(她以自己能做出美味的饭菜而自豪。)

9. Pride parade: 骄傲游行,同性恋大游行

例如:The annual pride parade drew thousands of participants and spectators.(每年的骄傲游行吸引了成千上万的参与者和观众。)

10. Pride of lions: 狮子群

例如:We were lucky enough to see a pride of lions on our safari trip.(我们在野生动物园旅行中幸运地看到了一群狮子。)


1. Self-esteem

Self-esteem is a synonym for pride that refers to a person's belief in their own worth and value. When someone has high self-esteem, they have a strong sense of pride in themselves and their abilities.

2. Confidence

Confidence is another word for pride that describes a feeling of self-assurance and belief in one's own abilities. People with confidence take pride in their accomplishments and are not afraid to take risks or try new things.

3. Dignity

Dignity is a synonym for pride that emphasizes a sense of self-respect and honor. When someone has dignity, they have a strong sense of pride in who they are and how they carry themselves.

4. Self-respect

Self-respect is another word for pride that describes having a positive view of oneself and treating oneself with kindness and consideration. People with self-respect take pride in their actions and decisions, knowing that they are acting in alignment with their values.

5. Honor

Honor is a synonym for pride that highlights the importance of integrity, respect, and moral excellence. When someone has honor, they have a strong sense of pride in living up to their own personal standards of conduct.

6. Self-worth

Self-worth is another word for pride that refers to an individual's belief in their own value and importance as a person. People with high self-worth take pride in themselves and know that they deserve respect and recognition from others.

7. Achievement

Achievement is a synonym for pride that focuses on the satisfaction one feels from accomplishing something significant or challenging. When someone achieves success, they can take great pride in their hard work and dedication.

8. Accomplishment

Accomplishment is another word for pride that describes the sense of fulfillment one feels from completing a task or reaching a goal. People who accomplish something meaningful can take immense pride in their efforts paying off.

9. Self-love

Self-love is a synonym for pride that emphasizes the importance of valuing and caring for oneself. When someone has self-love, they have a strong sense of pride in their own well-being and prioritize their physical, mental, and emotional health.

10. Satisfaction

Satisfaction is another word for pride that describes the feeling of contentment or fulfillment one experiences from achieving a goal or fulfilling a desire. People who are satisfied with their accomplishments can take pride in their hard work paying off.

11. Joy

Joy is a synonym for pride that refers to the happiness and delight one feels from achieving something meaningful or significant. When someone experiences joy, they can take great pride in their accomplishments and feel grateful for the journey it took to get there.

12. Fulfillment

Fulfillment is another word for pride that describes the sense of satisfaction and happiness one feels from living up to their potential or fulfilling their purpose. People who are fulfilled can take great pride in knowing they are living a meaningful life.

13. Triumph

Triumph is a synonym for pride that highlights the feeling of victory or success after overcoming a challenge or obstacle. When someone triumphs, they can take immense pride in their perseverance and determination paying off.

14. Glory

Glory is another word for pride that refers to the honor and recognition one receives from achieving something remarkable or praiseworthy. People who experience glory can take immense pride in being recognized for their accomplishments.

15. Self-assurance

Self-assurance is a synonym for pride that describes having confidence and belief in oneself without needing validation from others. When someone has self-assurance, they can take great pride in their independence and self-reliance

